
,2021年8月23日—在地址欄中輸入「chrome://flags/#tab-groups-save」,找到TabGroupsSave標記,選擇「已啟用」並重新啟動瀏覽器。最後右鍵單擊標籤組標題,將會看 ...,2021年12月27日—tab-groups-saveworkswhileChromeisrunningbutdoesn'tseemtosavestatethroughanapplicationrestart.Anyoneoneknowhowtofixthat?,TabGroupSaverisachromeextensionthatenablesyoutosuspendandmanageyourtabsandtabgroups.WithTabGroupSaver,you...

Chrome v.95 瀏覽器終於可以把標籤頁分組並收藏了

2021年8月23日 — 在地址欄中輸入「chrome://flags/#tab-groups-save」,找到Tab Groups Save 標記,選擇「已啟用」並重新啟動瀏覽器。 最後右鍵單擊標籤組標題,將會看 ...

How to save chrome tab groups?

2021年12月27日 — tab-groups-save works while Chrome is running but doesn't seem to save state through an application restart. Anyone one know how to fix that?

Tab Group Saver - Save and Manage ...

Tab Group Saver is a chrome extension that enables you to suspend and manage your tabs and tab groups. With Tab Group Saver, you… Tab Group ...

Tab Groups Extension

2023年10月22日 — Automatically group tabs, save tabs/groups, and provide shortcuts for tabs/groups.

How to Create Permanent Tab Groups in Google Chrome

2024年3月22日 — Right-click any open tab. · Hover over Add tab to group and click New group. · Enter a name and assign a color to the group. · Then click the Save ...

Tab Group Saver

2024年2月7日 — Tab Group Saver is a chrome extension that enables you to suspend and manage your tabs and tab groups. With Tab Group Saver, you…

How to permanently save Tab Groups in Google Chrome

2023年8月10日 — Once Chrome starts back up, you'll be able to toggle the save feature on for Tab Groups and close them with peace of mind. Once saved group is ...

How to group and pin tabs in Google Chrome

2023年8月8日 — Search for tab groups at the top and expand the Tab Groups Save option. ... Right-click on a group tab and turn on the Save group toggle. save ...